I was meant to post a notice on Friday morning, but they pretty much dragged me a way before I was done writing it.
Context: I've been suffering of some very strong leg and lower belly cramps/spasms ever since I'm in the hospital. a sad side effect from losing my ability to walk. The medication (muscle relaxers) I'm taking would stop this, but you're only allowed a certain dosage a day. Sadly I hit the limit and the spasms are still to strong, so I'm forced to take a medical pump in my body. This pump will be more effective compared to the pills, but you need several operation for it.
Anyway, Thursday (March 17th) evening I received some good news, someone dropped out of the surgery list and this opened up a slot for me. The surgery was going to happen the next day, Friday, morning. Which was maybe a tad too close for me, my mind was rushing out to all sorts of places. But in the end I decided to take it. Friday morning they picked me up, put me in the waiting room. And not even 10 minutes later I was asleep. Quite quick for once.
And after 3 days of being forced to lay on my back, I'm finally sitting up again.
I got the first part in my body now, a tube that is attached to my spine to dispense the medication. Next week they'll start tests to see how I react to it, and after the testing phase, I'll have to wait for the pump itself.
Moving forward in the world now, bit by bit.